The root-mean-square deviation of time after NMO is smaller, which is suitable to realize in-phase stack. 动校正后的时间均方差较小,有利于实现同相叠加。
Firat of all, the measure of similarity of two fields is defined by their coefficient of correlation, and the measure of their difference by the normalized root-mean-square deviation. 首先用两个场的相关系数R作为其相似性度量,也可以用归范化的两个场之差的根方值d作为差异性的度量。
The calculation methods for root-mean-square deviation of concrete strength and mortar strength tested by rebound method are different founded through the comparison of the two methods. 通过对回弹法检测混凝土强度、砌筑砂浆强度方法的比较,发现其计算标准差的方法有所不同。